
a work in progress


If there is only one rule to live by...

Every moment, do the one thing that is the most:

매 순간, 가장:

일을 하라!


Always remind myself that I will die. Live your best to leave no regrets.

Adhere to the rules of life.

Snap out of negative habits and negative thoughts!☸️🪷🧘 이 악물고 긍정적인 생각을 해라. Always be smiling.

학습능력은 상위 0.1%, 생산성은 상위 0.01%가 되자.

Thinking points

I am sometimes incorrect

A word of wisdom that I think dearly of is that I am sometimes correct.

Which indicates that I am fortunately correct in many occasions, but the stepping stone to acquiring higher intelligence is accepting that what I think is correct right now, might actually not be correct or the most ideal.

Accepting that I am incorrect is sometimes difficult, but it greatly helps me with enhancing my intelligence. It also encourages me to think of more creative, unorthodox approaches to my previous beliefs.

뭣이 중한디?

This is in fact a line from The Wailing (2016), which roughly translates to "What is it that is important?" TBC

I preform better when I have more things to deal with

compared to when I choose to deal with only one.


Desperateness - The Fear of Things Going Wrong

사람은 누구나 살면서 걱정이 있다. 올바른 걱정은 잘 조절할 수 있다면 긍정적인 효과를 낸다. 걱정 없이 사는 것은 편하지만 분명한 단점이 있다. 필리핀과 싱가포르의 차이가 그 극명한 예시다. TBC

No pain, no gain

성공하는 사람들의 여정에는 여러 열정과 즐거움이 있지만, 종종 싫어하는 일을 해야만 하는 많은 순간들이 있었다. 그들은 하기 싫은 일이어도 묵묵히 해냈기에 하고 싶은 일들을 이뤄낼 수 있었다.

Last edited 2025-02-20