Connect the topics with your own personal goals and experiences.
Be creative with finding reasons to enjoy your learning process.
Don't just consume, create!
If learning is not enjoyable, you are doing it wrong, and you ought to fix it.
Minimum viable goals
Absolute stres-free. The smallest unit of doable amount of task by definition.
The "Fast Study" Approach
Approach learning as an acquisition of a new useful skill, not as a study.
Some examples of learning fast are:
Getting a solid grasp of a subject in a week
Reaching B1 level of a language in a week
Reading a book in a few hours
What to begin with?
Gather and organize the materials.
Set long term goals
"In a month I will be an expert in microeconomics." "In a month I will be fully conversational in French." - Set goals, think and behave in such a way as if they are definitive facts.
Set short term goals
"In 3 hours I will be acquainted with the deeper layer of the macro layer I have previously learned.
Create accountability
Let somebody who can hold you accountable (i.e. friends, family) know of your goals, and do your best not to disappoint them.
Memorize and apply within the scope of the macro points of the subject
"From the forest to the trees" - Start from the very macro layer of the subject (Miminum Viable Goals) and slowly delve deeper into the micro. Do not learn section by section, but do so throughout the entire range of the subject simultaneously. Related: The Layering Method - Archer Newton
Metacognition - 1) Acquisition: "Do I know that X is Y?" 2) Application: "Do I know how to Z?" If the answer is yes, move on.
There is always a faster way - "Is this certainly the most effective approach? Would there be a faster, smarter way to grasp this subtopic?"